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Fourneau and Fornax
We have just discovered a new anaesthetic superior to the cocaine and less dangerous than it: it names the "stovaïne".
Now it get its name from English stove, furnace, because a mister Fourneau discovered it.
Another mister Fourneau, entertainer, translated his name into Latin: fornax and returned it to Russian "Xanrof". What a beautiful matter that to know several languages! We put them all in contribution! So the fuchsine was invented by a mister Renard, in German fuchs.
No more sly than that!
Anonymous text published in Nos Loisirs [Our Leisure activities],
4th year, #21, in May 23rd, 1909.
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George Auriol
sur l'ultime création
de M. Pullmann
20 pages,
format 11,2 x 13 cm.
tirage à 100 exemplaires en typographie.
Un volumen,
79 cm de long, 17,5 cm de haut.
tirage à 10 exemplaires en linogravure.
Marie-Rose de France
26 petits textes en proses poétique. Vignettes de CLS.
tirage à 120 exemplaires en typographie au plomb.
Pierre Pinelli
24 pages,
format 15 x 20 cm.
tirage à 100 exemplaires en typographie au plomb.
... for those who are too lazy to seek.
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Fornax éditeur 18, route de Coizard, F51230 Bannes – France