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Fourneau and Fornax
Side-Issues of the Letterpresss Workshops
The typographers turn out sometimes to other matter than the typography. So aroused the interest, the presence of electric wires just in front of the house of Bannes -village in the South of the Marne (France)- where settled down in 1979 the first workshop of the Editions du Fourneau (Furnace publishing). We may to find curious this interest but when we shall know that these wires tightened stretched out well between posts are among five and that they constitute a musical reach on which come to perch the swallows, small flying notes; we shall understand a little better. During the breaks or the moments of reflection, to see -through the window of the workshop- forming and deforming incredible scores was and stays a repeated fascination, a small pleasure of which never we manage to grow tired. Fascination and pleasure which, to think about it well, does not turn from the typography. We have there a fascinating, fluctuating writing in its mystery especially when we do not know how to read it. A fascination which is such as we do not hesitate to speak about it and to show to the friends and the visitors. Interested or polished reactions, fascination shared or feigned until the moment when the interlocutor and friend is called Philippe Cathé and that he is a musician. With the complicity of his wife Martine, with the help of some photographs taken with a bad disposable camera, at the end of the summer, 1994, reaches had bear fruits in a birth of scores. Here they are, played by their composer and published here with his agreement.
june 2008
Volatile music
for a strange bird
Martine & Philippe Cathé
Concert program:
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George Auriol
sur l'ultime création
de M. Pullmann
20 pages,
format 11,2 x 13 cm.
tirage à 100 exemplaires en typographie.
Un volumen,
79 cm de long, 17,5 cm de haut.
tirage à 10 exemplaires en linogravure.
Marie-Rose de France
26 petits textes en proses poétique. Vignettes de CLS.
tirage à 120 exemplaires en typographie au plomb.
Pierre Pinelli
24 pages,
format 15 x 20 cm.
tirage à 100 exemplaires en typographie au plomb.
... for those who are too lazy to seek.
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19 visitors online
Fornax éditeur 18, route de Coizard, F51230 Bannes – France