Sentence to think about :   Laissez-moi crever intègre, j'ai horreur des compromissions.   Soulignac
The last one...

George Auriol
sur l'ultime création
de M. Pullmann


20 pages,
format 11,2 x 13 cm.
tirage à 100 exemplaires en typographie.
21 €


A pas feutrés


Un volumen,
79 cm de long, 17,5 cm de haut.
tirage à 10 exemplaires en linogravure.
250 €


Marie-Rose de France


26 petits textes en proses poétique. Vignettes de CLS.
tirage à 120 exemplaires en typographie au plomb.
60 €


Pierre Pinelli


24 pages,
format 15 x 20 cm.
tirage à 100 exemplaires en typographie au plomb.
60 €

Last posts


Chez les éditeurs [5]


Le Nardigraphe


L’atelier de CLS


The gloss book

Marie-Rose de France


36 p., format 10 x 14 cm.
composé et imprimé en
typographie au plomb
Tirage à 120 exemplaires.
60 €

(cliquer sur l'image
pour en savoir plus)

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Fornax Blog (& archives) - Printing


Tiny press  -  by cls

Printing a press!


No, the author of these lines was not distracted; No, he did not lose his head ... He was not mistaken in wanting to write: "a press to print"; He really and consciously wrote "printing a press". This printed printing press is there, before your eyes of amazed Internet users (or not).

Yes, the signatory of these lines bought a 3D printer during the summer and the first object he printed with his printer is this tiny press (the tea spoon in front of it give an idea of its size). The material used to print it is PLA (polylactic acid), an almost ecological plastic (!) made from corn starch and biodegradable at a temperature of 60°C in an industrial environment.

No, it was not easy to print this press because the writer of these lines is a real newbie in 3D printing (if he is not in traditional printing techniques).

Yes, this little press really prints, it is not a toy (although ... given its size ...) The proof is brought by the photos below where we see it parade in the Bannes workshop with its older sisters after making its first printing: a drypoint etching on Arches vellum, 4 copies.




Post-scriptum: This small press was designed by two young German artists and intaglio printers: Martin Schneider and Dominik Schmitz who put the design files of the little press with free access (Creative Common license) and set up a website (the site open press project ) around its free availability and around the works created all over the world with its assistance. May they be thanked for their good artistic action.

Let us note in passing that, since Gutenberg, many of the good ideas related to the Book and the Printing came from Germany.

Published on 13/09/2023 @ 13:19   All the posts   Preview   Print...   Top


Reaction #1  -  by CJF 03/01/2025 @ 14:29

Absolument génial !

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Fornax éditeur – 18, route de Coizard, F51230 Bannes –– France