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Des barbares...
Fourneau and Fornax
1982, the André Malraux community arts centre of Reims (now deceased)
suggested me imagining a project of unique book. I conceived it and
I accompanied it with some photos and with an estimate of realization.
The estimate was considered too expensive and the project stayed non-realised. Twenty four years later, a very banal stay in a supermarket reminds this project to me. It becomes a reality here and now. It takes a different shape but it stay in the same frame of mind. |
Christian Soulignac August, 2006 |
foreword | preface |
George Auriol
sur l'ultime création
de M. Pullmann
20 pages,
format 11,2 x 13 cm.
tirage à 100 exemplaires en typographie.
Un volumen,
79 cm de long, 17,5 cm de haut.
tirage à 10 exemplaires en linogravure.
Marie-Rose de France
26 petits textes en proses poétique. Vignettes de CLS.
tirage à 120 exemplaires en typographie au plomb.
Pierre Pinelli
24 pages,
format 15 x 20 cm.
tirage à 100 exemplaires en typographie au plomb.
... for those who are too lazy to seek.
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Fornax éditeur – 18, route de Coizard, F51230 Bannes –– France